
Obsessive PlameGate Bloggers

We have another day at least to wait. As Murray Waas says today, quoting former Nixon Aide Leonard Garment:

"We do not know what is happening, and that is what happening."

While you're waiting, here's my list of fellow Rove and PlameGate obsessives I read at least once a day:

Other excellent analysis:

An indispensable for his Combo Reporting of MSM and Blog Coverage:

For getting the headlines up faster than a speeding bullet, in addition to doing investigative pieces of their own,

And a personal hat tip to Patriot Daily who helps me find the breaking news faster than I would on my own and finds many I would miss.

< Fitzgerald Meets With Judge, No Announcement Today | Deconstructing Karl Rove >
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  • Re: Obsessive PlameGate Bloggers (none / 0) (#1)
    by unbill on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:25 PM EST
    I have taken to logging in to David Corn's site every day.

    Re: Obsessive PlameGate Bloggers (none / 0) (#2)
    by Harley on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:25 PM EST
    And let's not forget Steve Clemons at Washington Note whose coverage was briefly interrupted -- when he was HIT BY A CAR last night. But he's okay. And back at it.

    Re: Obsessive PlameGate Bloggers (none / 0) (#3)
    by Justina on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:25 PM EST
    Plame Indictments to be voted on by the Grand Jury on Friday? I think not. Would a meticulous prosecutor, as Fitzgerald is said to be, jeopardize two years of work with this grand jury by leaving all his indictments until October 28th, the last day of his grand jury's term? What if there was a "terrorist threat" and the Bush administration declared martial law and shut down Washington D.C.on Friday? I strongly suspect that the special prosecutor has all the indictments he thinks he'll need, already voted on, presented to the Court, and duly sealed. He can always dismiss unneeded indictments if he has good reasons to do so. Since he's taken new, larger, office space, it seems Fitzgerald thinks his team will continue working in D.C.for a substantial amount of time. Does that mean he does not expect immediate presidential pardons for all his indictees? Has Fitzgerald worked out a strategy to avoid the pardons? Will all the details of the collossal Iraq invasion fraud really come to light at trial? We should immediately take up a collection for armored humvees and kevalar vests for the special prosecution team, they may need them. And we need them alive and well so that all the Bush cabal crooks can be convicted and America restored to democracy.