What if we could turn back the hands of time for two years instead of an hour? Would Trump have been elected if the public knew then what it knows now? I don't think so.
Put another way:
Sometimes I wish I didn't know now
The things I didn't know then
As much as I love that song, I almost didn't include it because I remembered Bret Michaels was a big Trump supporter. (He won the 2010 season of Celebrity Apprentice). But he seems to be scaling that back now. When asked about it a few months ago, he said he's not really interested in politics, but in philanthropy, especially with diabetes (he was diagnosed with Type 1 at age 6 and still needs 5 injections daily), veterans and first responders.
Melissa Parker (Smashing Interviews Magazine): You played some concerts for Donald Trump’s inauguration. Has your association with him effected you or your career in any way?
Bret Michaels: No. I go back to this. My thing is philanthropy. That’s where I’m at. I just want what’s great for our country. That’s what I want regardless of whether it’s Obama, whether it would’ve been Hillary, whether it’s Trump. We’re all going to have to voice our opinions.
Don't forget to exercise your voice on Tuesday and vote to take away control of the House and Senate from the Republicans. And vote for Democratic Governors. If you are in Colorado, please vote for Jared Polis for Governor. His opponent is just too dangerous to every American principle I can think of.