
Tag: Rob Lowe

D.C. Madam Convicted, Rob Lowe's Nanny Tells All

No surprise here -- the D.C. Madam was convicted today on all counts. The Government asked she go directly to jail, the Judge said no and allowed her to remain on bond pending sentencing.

Another secret revealed: What Rob Lowe's nanny is really claiming: he groped her. The cross-complaint the nanny filed, through her lawyer, who else but Gloria Allred, is here.
Unless she has a videotape, it sounds like a bunch of he said - she said to me. Most of the claims are labor law related -- Allred says the nanny was an employee not an independent contractor and because the Lowes employed more than 5 people, the nanny was entitled things like 30 minute meal breaks and she didn't get them, as well as other legal protections. Lots of sexual harassment allegations, none involving sex. She also wants damages because Mrs. Lowe walked around naked.


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