
Tag: national ID

Proposed Immigration Law Contains Biometric Database Provision

Via Wired's Threat Level: Buried in the 800 page proposed immigration reform bill is a provision creating a biometric database for all Americans, not just immigrants.

The bill, titled Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act is here.

Buried in the more than 800 pages of the bipartisan legislation is language mandating the creation of the innocuously-named “photo tool,” a massive federal database administered by the Department of Homeland Security and containing names, ages, Social Security numbers and photographs of everyone in the country with a driver’s license or other state-issued photo ID.

Employers would be obliged to look up every new hire in the database to verify that they match their photo.

Privacy advocates say "Think of it as a government version of Foursquare, with Big Brother cataloging every check-in." [More...]

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